Kumbhak Therapy For Gout

Book a free session with renowned Kumbhak expert to find powerful benefits of kumbhak therapy.




Gout is a form of arthritis characterized by severe pain, redness, swelling and tenderness especially in the big toe.


The symptoms of gout are pain and inflammation especially in the big toe along with redness. The affected joint is the metatarsophalangeal joint. 


The main cause of gout is hyperuricemia, a condition where there is excess quantity of uric acid in the body then the optimum level. The excessive quantity of uric acid could be due to issues with the kidney in excreting this uric acid produced.

Risk factors

Several factors can increase the likelihood or risk of gout. As one grows old and the system degenerates the likelihood of gout. It is found commonly among older adult males more than in females.  A family history of gout can also be a risky factor. Obesity, intake of different medication and last but not the least lifestyle could lead to the risk of gout.


We can prevent gout by avoiding too much of protein in our diet, keeping a weight check, avoid medication as far as possible, consuming a good amount of 2 to 4 liters of water for proper functioning of the kidney and also avoid alcohol.


There are typically allopathic medication to treat the symptoms of gout which include anti-inflammatory, and nonsteroidal drugs. Some natural treatment available for gout are acupuncture, and Kumbhak therapy.

Kumbhak in treating Gout

FAQs || Kumbhak Therapy for Gout

Can the inflammation/ swelling in gout can be reversed?

The inflammation that we see externally can be either internal or external. External inflammation can be reduced by ice pack or putting the feet in cold water. Internal inflammation can be reduced by doing kumbhak therapy or breath holding.

Can the pain that is experienced by a gout patient be reduced through kumbhak therapy?

Pain in a gout patient is experienced due to inflammation.

So, we work on the root cause of inflammation which can be due to the malfunction of some organ like liver/kidney etc. Through kumbhak therapy we strengthen the weakened forces and thereby reduce inflammation and ultimately the pain subsides.