Kumbhak Therapy For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a numbness and tingling in the hand and arm caused by a pinched nerve in the wrist. It is a condition in which the median nerve which runs from the forearm into the palm of the hand becomes compressed at the wrist. 


The carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms are tingling, numbness, weakness in the hands and clumsiness and difficulty in muscle movements.


The carpal tunnel syndrome causes could be many like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, unnecessary pressure on the median nerves, also constant sitting on the keyboard.

Risk factors

Among the many risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome, the most common reasons could be heredity, hand and wrist deformity, arthritic disease, excessive use of the wrist or diabetes.


Carpal tunnel syndrome can be prevented by not over excessively using the median nerves of the hands, doing some hand stretching exercise and keeping the hands warm.


Kumbhak in treating Carpal tunnel Syndrome

FAQs || Kumbhak Therapy For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Can Carpal tunnel syndrome be reversed through Kumbhak Therapy?

Carpel tunnel syndrome can be reversed through kumbhak therapy or breath holding by strengthening the weak forces and ultimately expediate the median nerve regeneration process.

Can numbness and tingling in the hands be reversed through kumbhak therapy?

The loss of sensation or sensory disturbances which surfaces as numbness and tingling can be reversed or resolved through Kumbhak therapy or breath holding in a particular ratio which helps in rejuvenating the nervous system, thereby also helping in the compression of nerves.

Can the muscle movements be improved through kumbhak therapy?

The muscle movements can be improved through Kumbhak Therapy.